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Record ID: eec0f36a-ad45-45de-899f-a3e7305bf3e7
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Evaluation of a self-paced education package on violence against women for rural community-based health workers
Other Titles: The Australian journal of rural health
Authors: Mannion, Jill
Madl, Romana
McCosker, Heather
Harris, Marilyn
Keywords: Regional rural and remote areas;Training
Year: 1999
Publisher: The Association for Australian Rural Nurses Inc.
Citation: (7), 1999
Notes:  Provides a background to, description and evaluation of the first Australian self-paced distance education programme on violence against women for community health workers based in rural and remote areas. The goal of the package is to assist health workers in improving their knowledge of domestic violence issues and developing more empathetic attitudes towards, and improved intervention skills with, victims of domestic violence at an individual, agency, community and structural level. The methods of data collection, sampling and analysis utilised for the evaluation are outlined. The evaluation examines the questions of how participants perceive health promotion in relation to domestic violence, what degree of health worker involvement is expected in domestic violence situations, how active participants are within their community and the response of participants to the education package itself. The results summarised indicate that the dissemination of the package did have a positive impact on the knowledge, intervention skills and attitudes of health workers who participated, although it is acknowledged that further evaluation and refinement of the package will be necessary.
ISSN: 10385282
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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