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Record ID: 9cd87e4f-7516-49c1-ab6c-63d006b17087
Type: Journal Article
Title: Evaluation of the Ngati Porou community injury prevention project
Other Titles: Ethnicity & health.
Authors: Coggan, Carolyn
Brewin, Marilyn
Keywords: Community development;Community education;Indigenous issues;Prevention
Categories: Prevention
Year: 2004
Publisher: Carfax International Publishers
Citation: 9 (1), February 2004
Notes:  This article presents the findings from the evaluation of the Ngati Porou Community Injury Prevention Project in a rural area in the North Island of New Zealand with a significant Maori Indigenous population. The method used included process, impact and outcome evaluation. Process evaluation found that the Project was based on sound principles related to injury prevention and Maori aspirations. Project activities included: road safety campaigns; family violence initiatives; alcohol and drug programmes. To address family violence, the Project identified hapu:(sub-tribe) resource people and established a support network of those involved in the prevention of domestic violence and child abuse. It focussed on 2 areas: identifying and affirming traditional Ngati Porou care and protection practices, which included 22 education sessions and information distribution packs and ongoing training to identified hapu:resource people; as well as coordinating and implementing regional promotional programmes to address domestic violence and child abuse to link with national campaigns. The evaluation reported a significant rise in awareness of injury prevention was found (pre: 17% and post: 25%). It concluded that the Project successfully implemented the principles of role modelling, life-span focus, accessibility, acceptability and participation, and is a model that could be applied in other Indigenous communities.
ISSN: 13557858
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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