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Record ID: 3a3cd322-8bb8-44ac-9386-1f03707ad066
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Exploring the domestic abuse narratives of trans and non-binary people and the role of cisgenderism in identity abuse, misgendering and pathologizing
Authors: Rogers, Michaela
Year: 2020
Publisher: Sage Publications
Abstract:  Drawing on data from two empirical studies, this paper employs cisgenderism as a conceptual tool to explore trans people’s experiences of domestic violence and abuse (DVA). Distinct modes of cisgenderism are analysed. These are identity abuse, microaggressions, misgendering and pathologizing practices. Qualitative data was collected via semi-structured interviews (n = 24). Two inclusion criteria were used for this secondary analysis requiring participants to self-identify as trans or non-binary and have experience of DVA. The findings illuminate the extent of cisgenderism as underpinning experiences of DVA. The paper ends with a call for further theoretical and empirical research in this regard.

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