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Record ID: 2bb7ca4b-7022-4b2b-94b2-dc2fb02df33e
Type: Journal Article
Title: False allegations of abuse and neglect when parents separate
Other Titles: Child abuse & neglect
Authors: Bala, Nicholas
Trocm?, Nico
Keywords: Parenting;Child protection;Impact on children and young people;Family law
Year: 2005
Publisher: Pergamon
Citation: 29 (12), 2005
Notes:  This article reports on the characteristics of false reports of child abuse and neglect in the context of parental separation. The study used a sample of more than 7000 child maltreatment investigations in Canada, to examine whether allegations were fabricated, by whom and for what purpose. The results indicated that only 4% of all cases were intentionally fabricated; this rate is higher in cases of custody dispute. Anonymous reports and noncustodial parents, most often fathers, were more likely to make intentionally false reports. Custodial parents, most often mothers, and children were least likely to make false reports.
ISSN: 0145-2134
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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