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Record ID: 57841434-9e53-4bf8-8b1f-7106248aab79
Type: Journal Article
Title: Family violence and child protection
Other Titles: Children Australia
Authors: Callister, Gill
Keywords: Legal issues;Child protection;Interagency work
Year: 2002
Publisher: Oz Child
Citation: 27 (4), 2002
Notes:  Speech given at 'Our Children Our Future... Domestic Violence and its Consequences' a Symposium held at the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, 15 May 2002
Discusses some of the aspects that child protection initiatives must acknowledge to address family violence. The author points out that, in order to protect the minor, child protection workers and Children’s Court Magistrates should be aware of the risk of long-term harm to unborn and young infants who experience violent situations. The contact with the perpetrator, the evaluation of the mother’s capacity to parent and the assistance of the children are considered within the challenges of intervention. Family violence dynamics, which allow periods without violence, might hinder protection workers’ responses. Deficient interagency coordination and collaboration also prevent the prompt achievement of successful outcomes. The programmes currently implemented in Victoria to guide practice and support workers are examined.
ISSN: 1035-0772
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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