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Record ID: 4c6e53d0-de8c-4532-a509-90396a23ebed
Type: Journal Article
Title: Family violence prevention in Victoria - the state of play
Other Titles: NTV journal
Authors: Blay, Danny
Keywords: Policing;Policy;Legal issues;Criminal justice responses;Overview
Year: 2005
Publisher: No To Violence, Male Family Violence Prevention Association
Citation: 4 (1), Winter 2005
Notes:  Overviews the comprehensive localised and state-wide Victorian policy and practice initiatives on responding to and preventing family violence and violence against women by service providers, the government and the judiciary. The role of the No To Violence Male Violence Prevention Association (NTV) is highlighted.

* the work of the State-wide Steering Committee to Reduce Family Violence which advises police, courts and service providers, and advises on development of Best Practice Framework;
* the Family Violence Court Intervention Project, involving the implementation of men’s behaviour change programmes such as court-directed counselling, and support programmes for partners and children;
Concludes by identifying several areas that still require further work, e.g. adolescent violence towards parents; violence towards women in sport; and programme development and research outside Victoria.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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