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Record ID: 3368d0bd-1dcf-4bba-b597-e5d163d12ffe
Type: Journal Article
Title: Family violence reforms: a collective effort
Other Titles: Parity
Authors: McCormack, Fiona
Keywords: Leaving/Staying;Service provision;Interagency work;Policy;Early intervention;Prevention
Year: 2013
Publisher: Council to Homeless Persons
Citation: 26 (5), June 2013
Notes:  This brief article traces the process of family violence reform instituted in the state of Victoria over the past decade. McCormack highlights the importance of the collaboration between government and non-government agencies in integrating services involved in the support of women experiencing intimate partner violence: police, family violence services and the court system.

The author promotes this approach for the implementation of the Victorian Homelessness Action Plan 2011-2015:which could significantly impact the state's homelessness services, including the specialist family violence system.

As CEO of DV Vic, she also analyses the Safe at Home models currently being put into operation and the need for ongoing support from a specialist family violence agency.
ISSN: 1032-6170
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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