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Record ID: 841671c1-563c-44e8-ad2b-5341c5857b5b
Type: Journal Article
Title: Family Violence: what about the third party?
Other Titles: Parity
Authors: Hosking, Marian
Keywords: Policy
Year: 2001
Publisher: Council to Homeless Persons
Citation: 14 (2), March 2001
Notes:  Special issue title 'Out of the fire: domestic violence and homelessness'
Also published as DVIRC Newsletter Autumn Edition, February 2001
Argues that in domestic and family violence situations, there is a recognised need for third party intervention and questions who that third party should be. Suggests various potential third parties including the police, refuges, the child, the victim and the perpetrator. Contends that the obvious third party, the State, has approached the issue from an economic rationalist perspective, thus threatening the relationship that has been built between government departments and the women’s refuge movement.
ISSN: 1032-6170
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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