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Record ID: c12d67ef-8769-4aff-87e7-17b715b61e98
Type: Journal Article
Title: Feeling safe, feeling strong: support groups for older abused women
Other Titles: Violence against women
Authors: Hebert, Michelle
Brandl, Bonnie
Rozwadowski, Julie
Keywords: Older people;Counselling
Year: 2003
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 9 (12), December 2003
Notes:  Drawing upon interviews conducted with facilitators of support groups for older abused women across the US, this article discusses the benefit of support groups for these women and describes some of their key characteristics. Differences in how, when and where groups are held are highlighted and some of the challenges identified by facilitators in initiating the groups are explored. The article concludes by setting out some guiding principles for establishing and running a support group for older abused women.
ISSN: 1077-8012
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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