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Record ID: dcec4373-3250-46b9-8446-fae308a83b95
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Filipino women and sexual violence: speaking out and providing services
Other Titles: Sexual violence in a gender, cultural and human rights framework : a forum[cut]
Authors: Ana-Gatbonton, Cora Sta
Hunt, Dee Dicen
Keywords: CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse)
Year: 2000
Publisher: Immigrant Women's Support Service, Brisbane
Notes:  This paper look at a range of issues affecting Filipino women including a cultural context, Filipino sexuality, the culture of sexuality and the cycle of violence, rape, marital rape, incest, the death penalty, military sexual violence, trafficking of people, prostitution, sex tourism, no divorce and domestic violence.
It outlines the cultural and immigration factors that may affect the experience of Filipino women victims/survivors of violence.
Physical description: 30 p.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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