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Record ID: ef71a2df-ea2e-4874-abcf-250cf3abf638
Type: Journal Article
Title: Flexible funding as a promising strategy to prevent homelessness for survivors of intimate partner violence
Authors: Bomsta, Heather D
Sullivan, Cris M
Hacskaylo, Margaret A
Keywords: Victims / survivors;Housing;Intimate partner violence;Homelessness;Economic aspects
Year: 2016
Citation: [ahead-of-print]; 12 Aug 2016
Notes:  For IPV survivors, whose housing has been otherwise stable but who face homelessness because of a crisis related to IPV, a brief intervention that includes flexible funding can restore a family's equilibrium and prevent the devastating repercussions associated with homelessness. A longitudinal evaluation of a flexible funding program in Washington DC found that this brief, relatively inexpensive intervention may increase housing stability—94% of clients were housed 6 months after funding was received.
Excerpt from abstract
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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