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Record ID: 4008f28d-6e7f-4998-ad75-9586c6d4c31a
Type: Journal Article
Title: Formative research for mass media-based campaigns: Western Australia's freedom from fear campaign targeting male perpetrators of intimate partner violence
Other Titles: Health promotion journal of Australia
Authors: Francas, Mark
Zapelli, Rhonda
Paterson, Donna
Donovan, Robert J
Keywords: Perpetrators;Community education
Year: 2000
Publisher: Australian Association of Health Promotion
Citation: 10 (2), 2000
Notes:  Describes the methodology and findings of a formative research project used to develop the Western Australian “Freedom from Fear” campaign. The campaign aimed to encourage perpetrators of intimate partner violence to voluntarily seek counselling. The introduction provides a brief background to the issue of domestic violence and highlights the tendency for programmes intended to reduce the incidence of abuse to emphasise criminal justice responses. The rationale for conducting formative research prior to launching the campaign is identified and each phase of the methodology is discussed. Four major points emerging from the research are noted. Firstly, both violent and potentially violent men needed to be attracted to the campaign. Secondly, there was a need to avoid persecutory and/or accusatory messages. Thirdly, the impact of intimate partner violence on children was a greater impetus for perpetrators to take action. Lastly, information on where and how to seek help without legal implications needed to be dispersed. Concludes that the positive results elicited from the campaign have been largely due to the extensive formative research that was conducted and the effort invested in ensuring the appropriate messages were conveyed.
ISSN: 1036-1073
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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