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Record ID: f74a7586-f2db-4586-b133-5eb1478fe975
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Type: Journal Article
Title: From "ladies first" to "asking for it": Benevolent sexism in the maintenance of rape culture
Authors: Fraser, Courtney
Keywords: Social attitudes;Rape
Year: 2015
Citation: Vol. 103, iss. 1 ; pp. 141-204
Notes:  Open access: The problem of sexual violence against women has been
analyzed with an eye to the causal significance of misogyny, but legal
analysis has neglected the role played by other facets of sexism,
including ostensibly "benevolent" sexism (or chivalry), in the
perpetuation of rape culture, which normalizes this violence.
Additionally, discussions of sexual violence often overlook the
epidemic of acquaintance rape, although it accounts for the majority
of sexual assaults committed. This Comment draws on social
psychology and gender theory to posit that benevolent-sexist
ideologies construct women as creatures devoid of agency, leading
men to routinely presume women's consent to sexual activity whether
or not such consent in fact exists. The legal treatment of women's
rape and sexual harassment claims shows the catastrophic effects of
this process as women are relegated cognitively, socially, and legally
to a role of passive receptivity—forced to prove an absence of
consent as men are taught to assume its presence. This Comment
reviews legal proposals to address rape and sexual harassment, some
of which have been implemented, and concludes that direct legal
reforms alone are insufficient. It asserts that gender norms, and the
rigid binary division of gender, must be broken down if the rates at
which rape is committed and acquitted are to decrease. It finally identifies possible steps that target the root of sexism and rape
culture—binary gender differentiation—and concludes that the
liberation of queer, trans, and intersex communities is essential to the
feminist project of eradicating sexual violence.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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