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Record ID: 9e483c2f-682a-411c-8754-928799ca9a6d
Type: Journal Article
Title: From communal to cluster - or is it?: service facilities for women and children escaping violence
Other Titles: Parity
Authors: Tyson, Esme
Keywords: Housing
Year: 2001
Publisher: Council to Homeless Persons
Citation: 14 (2), March 2001
Notes:  Special issue title 'Out of the fire: domestic violence and homelessness'
Also published as DVIRC Newsletter Autumn Edition, February 2001
Describes the process through which a refuge for women and children escaping violence assessed the demand amongst service users for ‘cluster’ as opposed to ‘communal’ accommodation facilities. The survey conducted found that although women did not wish to share all facilities, most did not wish to be completely isolated from other survivors of domestic abuse. Provides an overview of how the refuge plans to respond to these results and advocates for service providers to develop a more in-depth understanding of the specific housing needs of women and children escaping domestic violence.
ISSN: 1032-6170
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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