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Record ID: af68643e-8292-4e09-8164-3f21851f08dc
Type: Journal Article
Title: Gay male relationships: HIV and domestic violence
Other Titles: ASHMnews : the newsletter of the Australasian Society for HIV Medicine Inc
Authors: Grealis, Ann
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender;Health
Year: 2001
Publisher: Australasian Society for HIV Medicine Inc.
Citation: 12 (2), May 2001
Notes:  This article briefly outlines the issues of domestic violence within gay male relationships. It refers to literature indicating that there is a direct connection between disclosure of HIV and subsequent domestic violence. However, this has been largely unacknowledged by the community and health services. It describes the forms of abuse, as well as issues such as confidentiality, reluctance to be identified as a victim, lack of refuges, and the lack of service options and support for gay men and lesbians in the context of domestic violence.
ISSN: 1449-2563
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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