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Record ID: b3be5df0-eecc-4ae6-ae4b-df542e259275
Type: Journal Article
Title: Gender differences in the impact of family of origin violence on perpetrators of domestic violence
Other Titles: Journal of family violence
Authors: Kernsmith, Poco
Keywords: Impact on children and young people;Perpetrators;Theories of violence
Year: 2006
Publisher: Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers
Citation: 21 (2), February 2006
Notes:  This study examines the applicability of theories related to the intergenerational transmission of violence. Studies of the impact of violence in the family of origin on the propensity to engage in domestic violence as an adult have commonly focused on boys as potential perpetrators. This study examined the impact of previous violent victimization on males and females charged with domestic violence perpetration, finding previous violence significantly related to increased fear and hyper-vigilance to threat in adult relationships. In addition, the study explored the theoretical assertion that those who use violence in their homes are not also generally violent and found that the majority of individuals using violence, both males and females, were not violent outside the home [?2006 Springer. All rights reserved. For further information, visit SpringerLink.]
ISSN: 0885-7482
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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