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Record ID: d1aadad9-24dc-4a48-8a05-5d14ceb611fc
Type: Journal Article
Title: Global strategies to reduce gender violence
Other Titles: Women against violence : an Australian feminist journal
Authors: Bishop, Avega
Keywords: Prevention
Year: 1997
Publisher: CASA House (Centre Against Sexual Assault)
Citation: (3), November 1997
Notes:  Provides a brief introduction to a workshop held in the Philippines in November 1997. It was used to share and provide a comparative analysis of strategies and services used to reduce gender violence by NGOs in the developing countries of Fiji, Vanuatu, PNG, Philippines, South Africa and El Salvador. Outlines some of the practical and innovative activities undertaken by women to tackle this problem. Examples include using a popular singer and composer in the Philippines to produce songs with messages against violence against women, and establishing a 'community watch' programme using positive community pressure to encourage behaviour change by perpetrators.
ISSN: 1327-5550
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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