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Record ID: 545968a9-e41a-48c6-8997-ffaab4e23398
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Good practice principles for working with refugee women experiencing domestic violence
Other Titles: Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse newsletter
Authors: Eckert, Rebecca
Keywords: Interagency work;Refugee communities;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse)
Categories: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse / Migrant / Refugee communities
Year: 2013
Publisher: Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse, UNSW
Citation: 54, Spring 2013
Notes:  Working with refugee women who are survivors of domestic violence is a complex area of practice. The principles discussed here represent the beginning, not the end of the conversation on good practice in this area. Whilst not exhaustive, it is hoped the principles can be used to strengthen and further inform the work of services in this area. All of the principles suggested are oriented within a rights-based approach: the need to consider violations of women as an abuse of rights, and to ensure that practice centres on the acknowledgement, maintenance and restoration of these rights. The focus is to prioritise the voices and power of women.

Although this article focuses on responses to women and families, it is important to acknowledge that in order for good practice to be effective, it must also consider and take into account the need for prevention, education and effective work with men and perpetrators of violence.
Contents:  Recognising refugee women’s pre-arrival experience and its impacts
Understanding women’s settlement experiences
Collaboration within and across sectors
Use of interpreters
Engagement of refugee communities
Recognising the resilience of women
Building trust, rapport and credibility
Being culturally responsive
ISSN: 1443-7236
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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