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Record ID: 91839258-f076-4c46-b8eb-db71dd212133
Type: Journal Article
Title: Help seeking for violence: views of survivors
Other Titles: Affilia : journal of women and social work
Authors: Van Hook, Mary P
Keywords: Early intervention;Health;Informal responses;Mental health
Year: 2000
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 15 (3), Fall 2000
Notes:  General Overview: :This US journal article reports on a survey of women using medical clinics which asked about the barriers to reporting abuse.

Discussion: :This journal article reports on a survey of 321 women seeking any kind of help at three medical clinics. About 12% reported physical abuse and 7% reported threats of violence. These women were much more likely to be depressed than those who had not experienced violence. They were most likely to seek help from family or friends, followed by primary care clinics. The article reports on the barriers to seeking help from primary care providers and recommends actions that clinics could take to increase disclosure.
ISSN: 0886-1099
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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