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Record ID: 9c5a32a4-4c6f-4de3-bd55-382b8aeee47b
Type: Journal Article
Title: Homeless women and violence: Rethinking the connection
Other Titles: Parity
Authors: Grigg, Sue
Johnson, Guy
Year: 2007
Citation: No 4 Vol.: 20
Notes:  Since the 1980s there has been a sustained increase in the number of women, including women with children, entering the homeless population. In the research and policy literature about women's homelessness the role of violence is a central feature. The relationship between violence and women's homelessness is commonly framed in terms of domestic violence as the main 'cause' of women's homelessness. While there is a clear need for a strong and specific response to women who are in domestic violence situations, this paper considers the connection between women's homelessness and violence from a broader perspective.
Physical description: Pages 9
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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