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Record ID: e0247842-924d-4e40-baec-bae57ec3f45a
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Housing and battered womenApplied Research Paper Series
Authors: Rubin, Jen
Correia, Amy
Keywords: Housing;Advocacy;Policy;Welfare
Year: 2001
Publisher: VAWnet Library
Notes:  Provides an overview of existing US research into the relationship between domestic violence, poverty and homelessness, before outlining some of the major trends in housing policy which have created barriers for battered women seeking affordable and safe housing in the United States. Recent legislative and policy initiatives, such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s ‘continuum of care’ programme for distributing funding, are discussed and a summary of the various federal housing programmes currently in place is provided. Suggests that if advocates for battered women are to address the specific needs of their client groups, an assessment of community housing options is essential. A sample community assessment, identifying key questions for practitioners and guidelines for the development of intervention strategies, is then presented.
Physical description: 11p
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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