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Record ID: 614237d1-e66e-4514-8b1d-70eb7a98b2fa
Type: Journal Article
Title: Housing women: public policy - private lives
Other Titles: DVAR: Domestic violence, action and resources
Authors: Khan, Roksana
Keywords: Policy;Housing
Year: 1999
Publisher: Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
Citation: (5 & 6), December 1999
Notes:  Journal of the DVRC Inc.
Reviews government reports (1995 & 1999) which outline some important indicators in relation to women’s experiences of housing and homelessness in Queensland, as well identifying barriers for women in accessing housing. Discusses the philosophy of housing as a human right, women’s history of housing and lack of ownership, and the future of housing in the context of reduced government funding for a housing safety net.
ISSN: 1329-900X
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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