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Record ID: dd6c5539-fd62-478b-9a14-4cb82591c379
Type: Journal Article
Title: Humiliation, manipulation, and control: evidence of centrality in domestic violence against an adult partner
Other Titles: Journal of family violence
Authors: Grigsby, Nancy
Gillig, Paulette
Strauchler, Orin
McCloskey, Kathy
Malloy, Kathleen
Sitaker, Marilyn
Keywords: Measurement;Screening
Year: 2004
Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media
Citation: 19 (6), December 2004
Notes:  This article presents the following 2 US studies. Study 1 is a literature review of a range of current domestic violence assessment scales. Results show that their content looked heavily on physical abuse and the scales varied on the amount of empirical evidence for validity and reliability. There were not as many scales that addressed content validity or future predictive validity. It suggests that both research and clinical knowledge are essential in the construction of a domestic violence scale. By focusing on physical violence, scales could overlook important concepts such as power and control. Study 2 examines the results of 64 items from the Artemis Intake Questionnaire, a clinical tool developed by treatment providers used in working with victims of domestic violence. Results show that reported humiliation and blame of the victim accounted for the largest variance, followed by controlling the victim, then physical violence. There were other factors of child abuse, monitoring and pet abuse. This factor analysis suggests that emphasis should be placed on factors other than physical violence, such as power and control, animal abuse, community response, pregnancy abuse, and child abuse, in the future development of domestic violence scales.
ISSN: 0885-7482
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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