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Record ID: 39ea00d6-ca4e-462f-be1f-15f26bad9898
Type: Journal Article
Title: Impossible politics: Brisbane men against sexual abuse
Other Titles: DVAR: Domestic violence, action and resources
Authors: Murrie, Linzi
Keywords: Advocacy
Year: 2001
Publisher: Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
Citation: (10), April 2001
Notes:  Journal of the DVRC Inc.
Discusses the gradual emergence and subsequent phasing out of Men Against Sexual Assault (MASA) programmes across Australia, highlighting some of the inherent difficulties associated with developing an anti-sexist or pro-feminist politics for men. Outlines the aims and some of the findings of a research project conducted into MASA and the factors which enabled or constrained men’s involvement with pro-feminist politics. Proposes that while a ‘politics of euphoria’ may have sustained MASA during the early years, problems of accountability, alliance and a lack of consultation ultimately led to its demise.
ISSN: 1329-900X
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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