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Record ID: eb6f763f-5278-45b8-89b8-6d7ac9c4b45f
Type: Journal Article
Title: Impoverished women in violent partnerships: designing services to fit their reality
Other Titles: Violence against women
Authors: Cole, Patricia R
Keywords: Welfare
Year: 2001
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 7 (2), February 2001
Notes:  Suggests that women’s willingness to disclose violent relationships and become involved in family violence services is influenced by the totality of their life experiences and circumstances. Argues that the situation of violence is often the main focus of social services, with other issues and influences such as financial status, employment, wanting to stay with their partner, race and gender commonly overlooked as secondary. As a result, many women do not receive the services they need or simply avoid using them. Suggests that there needs to be poverty welfare reform, where social services respond to broader issues and provide women with more options and choices, particularly access to employment which pays living wages.
ISSN: 1077-8012
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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