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Record ID: 05f4cb14-dfc1-4641-aa20-c0ba405a57ec
Type: Journal Article
Title: Indigenous practice approaches to women, violence, and healing using community development: a partnership between Indigenous and non Indigenous workers
Other Titles: Australian social work
Authors: Dunstan, Joanne
Barker, Stacie
Esperanza, Dana
Nickson, Amanda
Keywords: Indigenous issues;Counselling;Community development
Year: 2011
Publisher: Australian Association of Social Workers
Citation: 64 (1), March 2011
Notes:  This article describes a community development project which utilised a partnership between Indigenous and non-Indigenous workers in Queensland, Australia. The primary purposes of the project was to develop Yarnabout Cards:, or strength cards, to be utilised in therapeutic healing work with Indigenous women who had experienced violence. The broader goal of the project was to build partnerships and increase awareness and understanding of the experiences of Indigenous people. The article describes the approach, process and outcomes of the project. The article also considers the role and value of a work-based social work student.
ISSN: 0312-407X
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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