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Record ID: d6563108-2255-44d2-9630-70837bc124e7
Type: Journal Article
Title: Infancy and domestic violence
Other Titles: Children Australia
Authors: Jordan, Brigid
Keywords: Mental health;Impact on children and young people;Health
Year: 2002
Publisher: Oz Child
Citation: 27 (4), 2002
Notes:  Discusses the impact of domestic violence on the early stages of life. The case of an eleven-month-old infant and the literature significant to the particular circumstances are presented. Young and older infants utilise defences and responses to anxiety and traumatic events that affect their processes of attachment, separation and socialisation. Violence during breast-feeding and a threatening and impinging environment resulted in feeding difficulties and failure to gain weight. In order to achieve recovery from the trauma, a ward programme was implemented to enhance the development of the baby.
ISSN: 1035-0772
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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