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Record ID: aeb3110d-094f-4a5e-8270-e9946866153b
Type: Journal Article
Title: Integrating Islamic values in domestic violence mitigation
Other Titles: International Women's Conference 2007: Education, Employment and Everythin[cut]
Authors: Samani, S
Marinova, D
Year: 2007
Notes:  The discourse of secularisation is predicated on the idea of the separation of the state from the church. This decoupling of the secular from the religious in the public domain, fails to allow society to benefit from the dynamics of belief systems and faith-based action, and consequently their role in strengthening communities. The paper makes a case for the inclusion of community based programs and value-integration methods as part of the wider social policy initiatives to help alleviate the problem of domestic violence in the Muslim community, in Perth, Western Australia.
Author's Address:
Murdoch Univ, Inst Sustainabil & Technol Policy, Murdoch, WA 6150, Australia
Bhv73Times Cited:0Cited References Count:9
Physical description: Pages 127-131
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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