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Record ID: e8199513-f2f9-458c-aa70-659a5e8e0701
Type: Journal Article
Title: Intimate partner violence against adult women and its association with major depressive disorder, depressive symptoms and postpartum depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Other Titles: Social science & medicine
Authors: Lo, Bruce
Zonderman, Alan B
Beydoun, Hind A
Beydoun, May A
Kaufman, Jay S
Keywords: Mental health
Year: 2012
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: 75 (6), September 2012
Notes:  This journal article reports on findings from a systematic review of the evidence regarding co-morbidity of intimate partner violence (IPV) and specific depression outcomes in women. Thirty-seven US studies were included in the review. The paper concludes that a sizable proportion (9-28%) of major depressive disorder, elevated depressive symptoms and postpartum depression can be attributed to lifetime exposure to IPV.
ISSN: 0277-9536
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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