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Record ID: 3a941dbd-1ee8-44f0-aacf-14c7b9c5a352
Type: Journal Article
Title: Intimate partner violence and HIV/STD risk among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals
Other Titles: Journal of interpersonal violence
Authors: Heintz, Adam Jackson
Melendez, Rita M
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender;Health
Year: 2006
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 21 (2), February 2006
Notes:  This article reports on Manhattan-based research into risk of same-sex domestic violence and HIV/STD. Researchers examined aspects of power in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) relationships and its correlation with forced sex and a lessened ability to negotiate safe sex with the resulting increased prevalence of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. The survey questioned 58 clients of a community-based LGBT organisation that counsels victims of intimate partner violence The research found that violence within same-sex couples is prevalent and that this increases the risk of HIV and STDs through lower levels of safe-sex practice.
ISSN: 0886-2605
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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