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Record ID: 891dbf45-ca26-43ab-a07a-4a5563ccb70e
Type: Journal Article
Title: Intimate partner violence and patterns of alcohol abuse and dependence criteria among women: a latent class analysis
Other Titles: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Authors: Alvanzo, Anika A. H
Crum, Rosa M
La Flair, Lareina N
Bradshaw, Catherine P
Storr, Carla L
Green, Kerry M
Keywords: Drug and alcohol misuse;Mental health
Categories: People with mental health and/or drug and alcohol issues
Year: 2012
Publisher: Rutgers University
Citation: 73 (3), May 2012
Notes:  This article reports on a study from the United States (US) which identifies sub-groups of alcohol dependence experienced by women who are victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). The study also evaluates major depressive disorder (MDD) as a mediator of the IPV-alcohol relationship. Data for the study is derived from the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Consequences. The study shows that women who have a recent experience of IPV are more likely to be in a higher class of ‘problem drinkers’ than those who have not experienced IPV..
ISSN: 19371888
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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