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Record ID: 0150ac3e-b49c-443c-a39c-64250cd1c03d
Type: Journal Article
Title: Intimate partner violence and use of alcohol and drug treatment services among a national sample
Other Titles: Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment
Authors: Spillane, Nichea
Orchowski, Lindsay M
Chatav Schonbrun, Yael
Keywords: Drug and alcohol misuse
Categories: People with mental health and/or drug and alcohol issues
Year: 2013
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Citation: 12 (2), June 2013
Notes:  This journal article details the authors’ US study which investigated the associations between intimate partner violence (IPV) (both victimisation and perpetration) and receiving treatment for the abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Data for the study was obtained from a nationally representative survey conducted in 2004-05 and sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

The results from the study demonstrated that IPV perpetration and victimisation were associated with a higher likelihood of seeking treatment for substance misuse. The authors’ conclusions pointed to the importance of assessment of individuals who access alcohol and substance abuse services for IPV.
ISSN: 1531-5754
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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