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Record ID: 15784672-1d7a-4320-a550-e2cce98127c3
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Intimate partner violence in deviant settings: complex needs of women survivors
Other Titles: Australian family physician
Authors: Anaf, Julia
Bowden, Margaret
Cooper, Lesley
Keywords: Housing;Health;Mental health;Drug and alcohol misuse
Year: 2006
Publisher: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Citation: 35 (10), October 2006
Notes:  General Overview: This short Australian article is aimed at general practitioners and makes suggestions for working with women who have experienced violence within bikie gangs and cults.

Discussion: The authors conducted a literature review and examined information from 48 case files on women escaping bikie gangs, cults or street gangs, and women providing sex for favours. The article outlines the types of abuse the women had experienced and notes that the women are often homeless, have physical and mental health problems, are addicted to drugs and are the primary carers of abused children. They are also likely to have been abused as children.

Treatment for these women will be complicated because they may be afraid to tell their full story or unable to do so because of mental health problems and drug and alcohol use. An understanding general practitioner who can refer appropriately and collaborate with other agencies can assist. Self-care is important when working with these women because of the risk of vicarious traumatisation.
ISSN: 0300-8495
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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