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Record ID: 6f1a5cc7-86ba-4fe5-acc1-3db366160777
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Intimate partner violence: transforming harm into a crime
Other Titles: eLaw Journal: Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law
Authors: Godden, Lee
Douglas, Heather
Keywords: Legal issues
Year: 2003
Publisher: School of Law, Murdoch University
Citation: 10 (2), June 2003
Notes:  Discusses the continuing prevalence of domestic violence despite legal reforms aimed at criminalising intimate spouse abuse and explores some of the reasons criminal justice responses have thus far been limited in their effectiveness. Argues that understanding why a large proportion of domestic violence cases are not treated as criminal requires an examination of processes and practices beyond the formal legal system, such as underreporting and police discretion. Felstiner’s stage model, which emphasises the need to name, blame and claim the violence, is utilised to analyse the court data and interview responses obtained from the research conducted. Suggestions for future reform are made on the basis of the study findings and the stage model analysis.
ISSN: 13218247
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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