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Record ID: 0230bb9f-28f9-4cb5-906f-6904eb1348ea
Type: Journal Article
Title: Intimate-partner violence: what physicians can do
Other Titles: New England Journal of Medicine
Authors: Liebschutz, Jane M
Keywords: Service provision;Health;Screening
Year: 2012
Publisher: Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS)
Citation: 367 (22), November 29, 2012
Notes:  This brief article is aimed at US general practitioners (GPs). The author advocates that all GPs screen their female patients aged 12 years and above for intimate partner violence (IPV). When a patient discloses fear of a partner, five steps are recommended:
5) screen the patient for co-existing depression, anxiety and substance abuse
For patients who screen negative but who are suspected of experiencing IPV, the article suggests a procedure for medical providers to follow. There is also a discussion of actions to be avoided which may be unintentionally harmful to the patient experiencing IPV.
ISSN: 1533-4406
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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