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Record ID: ae99ac7d-aed6-4349-b862-479f36c67bc5
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Intra- and extra-familial victimization experiences differentiating between incarcerated serious youth offenders and youth rapists
Authors: Hodge, Ashleigh I
Yoder, Jamie R
Ruch, Donna
Keywords: Youth;Perpetrators;Sexual assault;Victims / survivors
Year: 2016
Citation: [ahead-of-print], 19 Sept 2016
Notes:  This study tests the relative effects of intra- and extra-familial victimization on membership in three mutually exclusive youth offending groups: non-serious non-sexual offenders (n = 4,103), serious non-sexual offenders (n = 2,571), and rapists (n = 489).
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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