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Record ID: e7999af3-be21-4151-ab10-4a01dbafecea
Type: Journal Article
Title: Is there gender symmetry in intimate partner violence?
Other Titles: Child and family social work
Authors: Allen, Mary
Keywords: Statistics;Theories of violence;Measurement;Men as victims
Year: 2011
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing
Citation: 16 (3), August 2011
Notes:  This article examines the debate, primarily through the literature, about the issue of gender symmetry in intimate partner violence. The author discusses the historical roots of the debate, the measurement tools frequently discussed, consequences and motivations of violence, the development of violence typologies and the current evolution of the controversy of gender symmetry in partner violence. The conclusion specifically discusses the complexity of implications for social work practice.
ISSN: 1356-7500
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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