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Record ID: 6f59d115-96ce-452f-94f2-1c22b12c5d74
Type: Journal Article
Title: Judges attitudes about and experiences with sentencing circles in intimate-partner abuse cases
Other Titles: Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice/La Revue canadienne d[cut]
Authors: McDonald, Courtney
Belknap, Joanne
Keywords: Restorative justice;Indigenous issues
Year: 2010
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
Citation: 52 (4), July 2010
Notes:  This article reports on a study interviewing 27 judges in Canada about their attitudes and experiences with the use of restorative justice in intimate-partner violence (IPV) cases in 1998 prior to significant legislative changes. The authors particularly focus on the specific application of restorative justice in IPV cases to Aboriginal and First Nations peoples. The background examines the applicability of restorative justice to gendered violence and empirical research evidence base. The findings summarise judges' views about the benefits, important considerations in the use of sentencing circles and restorative justice practices, and criticisms.
ISSN: 1707-7753
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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