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Record ID: 00b9ac86-54bf-4e6e-9b08-b67477ed20d0
Type: Journal Article
Title: Life as a family violence counsellor in a rural community
Other Titles: Parity
Authors: Harris, Sue
Keywords: Regional rural and remote areas
Year: 2001
Publisher: Council to Homeless Persons
Citation: 14 (2), March 2001
Notes:  Special issue title 'Out of the fire: domestic violence and homelessness'
Also published as DVIRC Newsletter Autumn Edition, February 2001
Discusses some of the differences between working as a family violence counsellor in rural as opposed to urban areas. Highlights the increased likelihood, in smaller more isolated towns, of couple reconciliation following domestic violence. Contends that the actions of the perpetrator should be should be treated as a crime regardless of reconciliation and outlines the various ways in which local police have been helped the service ensure this occurs. Argues that bias in the legal system, financial disadvantage and geographical isolation further exacerbate the situation for domestic violence victims in rural areas and commends clients of the FEGHSS for their resilience to these multiple barriers.
ISSN: 1032-6170
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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