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Record ID: d6aa4edc-dc68-4de2-a30d-6e9073b24eb5
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Linking child abuse and domestic violence with animal cruelty
Other Titles: Central Coast practice xchange : a workers journal : prevention & interven[cut]
Authors: Baxter, Sonia
Cousins, Carolyn
Keywords: Animal abuse;Child protection;Risk factors
Year: 2004
Publisher: Central Coast Health Violence, Abuse & Neglect Service
Citation: 1, November 2004
Notes:  Overview: This Australian article explores the links between child abuse and the perpetration of animal cruelty. Animal cruelty rates have been shown to be significantly likely to increase in children who have suffered sexual and physical abuse, although there is also strong evidence concerning the positive influence having pets can exert on abused children.

This article acknowledges the difficulties arising from the varying definitions and recording/reporting practices of animal cruelty, and the confusion caused by the focus on serial killers arising out of American research. However, the authors conclude that the evidence supports a significant need for child protection workers and counsellors to receive training in identifying and responding to animal abuse. Given the evidence concerning co-occurrence, the paper also calls for legislation to require workers dealing with animals to report their concerns of animal cruelty where children are known to be in the home.
ISSN: 18321933
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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