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Record ID: 349278e6-cd14-41d6-9657-67f6e29a0fef
Type: Journal Article
Title: Living in the margins: young women's experiences of homelessness
Other Titles: DVAR: Domestic violence, action and resources
Authors: Stark, Susan
Keywords: Impact on children and young people;Housing
Year: 1999
Publisher: Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
Citation: (5 & 6), December 1999
Notes:  Journal of the DVRC Inc.
Outlines nature of homelessness among young women (aged 14-25), and the current government responses to the problem. Young women’s homelessness is linked to escaping sexual violence, low or inadequate incomes and the lack of housing and support options. Shortage of affordable or appropriate housing forces many young women to remain in abusive relationships. Key government responses need to acknowledge unique experiences of young women. However, the Queensland government has no housing policies relating specifically to young women. Discusses barriers to housing options, including shortage of gender specific housing and exclusion from SAAP accommodation services.
ISSN: 1329-900X
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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