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Record ID: b8739a11-6ebc-4a94-8331-167d45907e0f
Type: Journal Article
Title: Making the links: child abuse animal cruelty and domestic violence
Other Titles: Child abuse review
Authors: French, Lesley
Becker, Fiona
Keywords: Animal abuse;Child protection;Interagency work
Year: 2004
Publisher: British Association for the Study and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Citation: 13 (6), November 2004
Notes:  The paper sets out the research evidence on the correlation, or the 'links', between child abuse, animal abuse and domestic violence, explores the evidence base available to professionals working with animals or children and describes the process of establishing a national multidisciplinary group known as the Links Group. The paper goes on to consider the challenges in setting up a working group of this kind and its subsequent progress in terms of influencing policy and practice. Finally, the authors make a series of recommendations aimed at continuing the process of change within organizations charged with the welfare of animals, children and vulnerable families.

Reproduced with permission. Making the links: child abuse, animal cruelty and domestic violence, Becker and French. 2004. Copyright ? 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Abstract printed with permission. [For more information go to Wiley & Sons]
ISSN: 0952-9136
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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