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Record ID: f214a89a-0568-497d-8ca9-85cb854a8281
Type: Journal Article
Title: Meeting women's needs: innovative service models responding to women escaping violence
Other Titles: Women against violence : an Australian feminist journal
Authors: Stanes, Nikki
Keywords: Housing;Impact on children and young people
Year: 1998
Publisher: CASA House (Centre Against Sexual Assault)
Citation: (5), December 1998
Notes:  Aims of the refuge movement, and innovative and diverse service models responding to domestic violence are discussed and analysed. In particular, two models of crisis housing in Victoria are reviewed. Young Women’s Project provides a service to young women with a range of experiences such as homelessness, sexual abuse and violence, and operates with a shopfront/drop in centre. Woorarra women’s refuge has security of address and accepts boys over 12 years when accompanying their mothers. Some of the emerging themes identified include social and economic changes in which refuges are now competing for funding; push towards user pays crisis housing; and services being subject to tendering. An alternative model is proposed promoting the right of women and children to stay home with full legal protection.
ISSN: 1327-5550
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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