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Record ID: 096ae825-128b-44b7-83ee-3fe31cac568c
Type: Journal Article
Title: Men ending men's violence : a community activist response to intimate partner violence [Unpublished manuscript]
Authors: Sinclair, Hamish
Keywords: Theories of violence;Perpetrators;Prevention
Year: 2000
Notes:  More information about the manalive Violence Prevention Program may be accessed on the manalive website at
General Overview: :This US paper describes the philosophy of the manalive Violence Prevention Program and provides a detailed description of how it works.

Discussion: :The manalive program is based on the control and coercion theory of domestic violence. It is a group program made up of three-hour weekly classes for a year. The first stage, “Stop My Violence” teaches men how to decide not to be violent. The second stage, “Self Awareness” is about understanding emotions and learning how to be intimate. The third stage, “Self Fulfilment”, teaches men how to translate their emotions into needs and create a fulfilment plan. During the program, participants become teachers themselves and at the end of the program they are ready to become community activists. The manalive program has been conducted in the community and in prisons. The author claims a 79% reduction in recidivism in one of its San Francisco prison programs.
Physical description: 75 p.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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