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Record ID: 7ef95635-5de5-42bf-8443-1aa565c842b4
Type: Journal Article
Title: Men, male family violence and homelessness
Other Titles: Parity
Authors: Boyle, Mick
Keywords: Housing;Perpetrators;Protection orders;Legislation analysis
Year: 2001
Publisher: Council to Homeless Persons
Citation: 14 (5), June 2001
Notes:  Addresses the question of how, in light of recent legislative changes to the Crimes (Family Violence) Act 1987 (Vic), the courts will respond to the competing accommodation needs of the women and children who have experienced, and the men who have perpetrated, acts of domestic violence. Argues that although many factors weigh in favour of victims, rather than perpetrators, being granted Sole Occupancy Orders, this shift in status and power could have serious consequences for the possibility of rehabilitation of men using violence. The lack of crisis accommodation set up specifically for perpetrators is highlighted and the development and coordination of existing services is advocated. Suggests that although the safety of women and children should be of paramount concern, the challenge for the future lies in achieving a balance between ensuring an adequate response to both victims and perpetrators
ISSN: 1032-6170
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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