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Record ID: 99b90457-5372-4a90-b14b-27360b4b025e
Type: Journal Article
Title: Morality and multiplicity: perspectives on the treatment of violence in intimate life
Other Titles: Journal of marital and family therapy
Authors: Goldner, Virginia
Keywords: Counselling;Perpetrators;Theories of violence
Year: 1999
Publisher: American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
Citation: 25 (3), July 1999
Notes:  Provides a brief background to the feminist and psychological perspectives on domestic violence, highlighting the inadequacies of each and argues for the development of a language that can contain multiple perspectives and discourses. Attempts to break down the theoretical dichotomy between moral and psychological aspects of violence, providing examples of ways this might be done in practice. Suggests perpetrators cannot take responsibility for their violence in a meaningful way until they are able to deconstruct the patterns of moral reasoning that led them to violence, and discusses some of the therapeutic techniques utilised by the Gender and Violence Project at the Ackerman Institute in the US to achieve this.
ISSN: 0194-472X
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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