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Record ID: 4adbc0d0-76c6-4626-931e-1c75f0f0bb10
Type: Journal Article
Title: More protection for victims of domestic violence? (The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004)
Other Titles: The Denning Law Journal
Authors: Edwards, Susan
Keywords: Legal issues;Child protection;Criminal justice responses;Homicide;Legislation analysis
Year: 2006
Publisher: The University of Buckingham Press
Citation: 18, 2006
Notes:  Overview:This article provides commentary on the United Kingdom’s Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004. The article presents an overview of the background and context in which the UK legislation was introduced, and discusses how the Act extends civil and criminal protection to victims of domestic violence as well as its limitations. The article also provides an analysis of the new homicide offence of causing or allowing the death of a child or vulnerable person. The author illustrates the problems created by the offence and the procedural changes by examining a number of cases where battered women were prosecuted despite being unable to prevent the deaths of children in their care.
ISSN: 2691922
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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