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Record ID: 4cfd74fb-4de9-4085-8393-af23730bd727
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Type: Journal Article
Title: More than refuge: changing responses to domestic violence [book review]
Other Titles: Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse newsletter
Authors: Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse
Keywords: Community attitudes;Overview;Policy
Year: 2003
Publisher: Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse, UNSW
Citation: (13), January 2003
Notes:  Review of Suellen Murray’s historical account of the refuge movement in Western Australia specifically and in Australia as a whole from the 1970s to the present. The book uses the case study of Nardine Women’s Refuge, Western Australia’s first feminist refuge, to chart the development of the women’s movement and its role in establishing shelters for women, which fostered self-help and empowerment, taking the role of the refuge beyond protection. Murray examines Australian society’s understanding of domestic violence in the 1970s and the enormity of the social change since then. She traces the evolution of society’s view of domestic violence from the time when male violence was excused and women effectively silenced by normalising abuse as ‘marital conflict’ to the present where women’s experiences are valued and society’s failure to challenge the role of gendered power is called to account.
ISSN: 1443-7236
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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