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Record ID: c9cd1a35-9d33-4885-8e84-64bb7fdc553c
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Myths that place children at risk during custody litigation
Other Titles: Sexual assault report
Authors: Dallam, S. J
Silberg, J.L
Keywords: Family law
Year: 2006
Publisher: Leadership Council
Citation: 9 (3), Jan/Feb 2006
Notes:  General Overview: This US paper provides an overview on some of the main myths that put children at risk during custody disputes.

Objective: The paper was put together by the Leadership Council (a non-profit scientific organisation). Bourne of a concern about the welfare of children affected by domestic violence, the paper aims to educate professionals about US family court failure to protect children from abuse.

Conclusions: The paper concludes that acceptance of these myths by the courts allows family violence perpetrators to gain custody of child victims and encourages public denial about the failure of the legal system to protect children.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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