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Record ID: a105a533-f0c9-4dd4-96f9-9765b31b4d6c
Type: Journal Article
Title: National directions: how to move our decisions forward
Other Titles: Women against violence : an Australian feminist journal
Authors: Moylan, Judy
Keywords: Counselling
Year: 1998
Publisher: CASA House (Centre Against Sexual Assault)
Citation: (4), June 1998
Notes:  Summarises the national goal to make homes safer for women and children. This involves the consideration of mandatory counselling for perpetrators as part of a national approach, and changes in the laws relating to domestic violence. Recognises the need for cultural change, particularly on the part of police and magistrates, consistency of best practice and coordination of services. Discusses the goals of Partnerships Against Domestic Violence which includes focusing on the needs of children, and Business Against Violence which is promoting businesses to help the community. Also mentions the various programmes and initiatives by women in the Aboriginal, NESB and disability services in response to domestic violence.
ISSN: 1327-5550
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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